Pax Christi Northern California offers prayer cards and peace messages that you can use in your own efforts to reach out to others. You will find versions of the Blessed Carlo Acutis Prayer Card below designed for online sharing in jpg and pdf formats in three languages. Physical cards are also available. Please contact us at [email protected] to request copies to be mailed to you.
You are welcome to use the files free of charge to promote peace, call for an end autonomous weaponry, and challenging humanity to use technology for the well-being of all and not the destruction of each other or life in our world.
If you are able and feel called to do so, we welcome donations to help with the printing and mailing costs of the cards. You may use the donate button at the bottom of this website to offer a gift via credit card or paypal. It costs us $4-10 to ship a set of cards depending on the quantity requested, and about $300 per press run of 500 prayer cards.