Fr. John Dear Author Presentation and 2023 Peacemaker Award
Please join us in hearing Fr. John Dear speak on his new book THE GOSPEL OF PEACE, followed by the presentation of theĀ 2023 Tom Webb Memorial Peacemaker of the Year Awardee, Therese Mughannam Walrath. The Gospel of Peace is the first ever commentary on the synoptic gospels from the...
A Time to Celebrate, A Time to Double Down
Join us in honoring our 2022 Tom Webb Memorial Peacemaker of the Year recipient: Vivian Zelaya. Vivian is a local Catholic organizer dedicated to the support of Palestinian rights, nuclear disarmament, preventing violence in Latin America, and other efforts for peace and justice in this country and abroad. Learn more...
Monthly Meeting
Meeting of representatives of Pax Christi and social action groups from parishes in Northern California. If your parish has a social action or peace and justice group, you are welcome to send a representative. Please contact [email protected]
Synod Listening Session
You’re invited to join in the synod from wherever you are! Last October, Pope Francis launched a synod calling for all the people of God to discern together the call of the Holy Spirit in our Church. This synod was launched in October of 2021 and will culminate at the...