Fr. John Dear
The Gospel of Peace
On Saturday morning, January 27, Pax Christi Northern California (PCNC) in conjunction with Newman Nonviolent Peacemakers had the privilege of hosting two outstanding peacemakers at our annual assembly which we held at Newman Hall/Holy Spirit Parish in Berkeley, CA. The event was attended by over 100 participants.
Our keynote speaker was Father John Dear, who gave an inspiring talk about his new book, The Gospel of Peace, the first ever commentary on the synoptic gospels from the perspective of nonviolence. John Dear has been working for justice and disarmament and teaching peace and nonviolence for over four decades and is now the executive director of the Beatitudes Center (www.beatitudescenter.org), where he offers online programs on peace and justice.
Tom Webb Memorial Peacemaker Award – 2023
Every year at our annual assembly PCNC gives out our “Tom Webb Memorial Peacemaker Award” to a Catholic peacemaker from Northern CA whose life exemplifies the Gospel values of peace and justice. This past year we chose Therese Mughannam Walrath, an award-winning peace activist born in Jerusalem who now lives in Santa Rosa, CA. She works tirelessly for peace and justice for all oppressed groups, especially for her native people of Palestine. Her activism grows out of her strong faith, and all who know Therese attest to her gentle, compassionate and peaceful spirit.